Is your dog door safe?
A dog door is convenient for you and your dog but do you worry about unwanted intruders? When I was young our home was broken into through our dog door. It was obvious that the burglar came through the dog door because the flimsy plastic security flap was lying on the ground just inside the door. We didn’t realize it before the incident, but it didn’t take a whole lot of pressure to bend the security flap enough to make it fall out of its track. Knowing that someone was walking around in our house while we slept left us unnerved. Fortunately, they found enough spoils in the garage and didn’t enter the main part of the house. There is no data on just how many burglars/home invaders enter through a dog door, but just type in “burglar entering through dog door” on a YouTube search and you will find 4800 videos (granted, not all the videos apply to the search criteria) . Many show the burglar ignoring the barking dogs! The link below shows one such example!
Better locking dog doors
Dog doors have come a long way since my home was broken into. Some have heavy duty metal frames with security flaps made out of metal. Some doors even have locking mechanisms with keys. These doors when locked properly are extremely secure. However, the security mechanism is only effective if you remember to lock it. Many of us have had those times when we have forgotten to lock a door only to find that someone took advantage of our memory lapse to help themselves to our belongings.
Dog door use when we are asleep or not at home
Many dogs have bladder schedules that do not match our sleep schedules. Our first dog door client had a dog that consistently begged to go out at two in the morning. They could not function having their sleep broken every night so they called us to install a dog door. Many dog owners are on a short leash (pun intended) from their home because they know that if they leave their dog home too long they will return to one or more surprises on their floor, or damage to their home.
The dog door solution
We are an authorized retailer/installer of High Tech Pet automatic pet doors. These doors are made of bulletproof lexan material and lock automatically. Only your pet can go in or out and you have full control of the operation of the door. The door never stays open – it shuts every time and locks – even in the event of a power failure. It is fully secure when you are asleep or away from your home!
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